Irresponsible Parents
There's this lot of parents, in this world, known as "irresponsible parents". Many of you would have already understood what I really mean when I say, "irresponsible parents", but for those of you who're having any difficulty comprehending as to what I mean - allow me to put it in simple words: Irresponsible parents are parents who don't fulfill their basic responsibilities and are irresponsible towards their kids. They neglect their kids in the worst possible manner. These are parents who treat their kids like scum. Parents who take their children as nothing but burden. Parents who don't wish to educate their kids. Parents who fight day in and night out, and as a result the child/children suffer and get affected badly. Parents who create differences amongst their kids through favoritism. There are many kids who are victims of such parents' wrath. Astonished? Well, don't be. There's more to it!
Though, there are parents who really love their offspring and wish the best for them and this is the usual way in which things work around in this world, but, then, there's also a bunch of unfortunate kids out there. Speaking on behalf of those unlucky kids, I'd like to ponder on a few matters regarding such irresponsible parents. But, before I continue, may the reader be informed and forewarned that this is just my opinion. Many of you might disagree and would say that I'm wrong, and for that matter I might be wrong. But don't just judge this post by its title. Read it till the very end and then let me know as to what you all have to say by dropping by your comments.
First off, in most families of the sub-continent, it's the father -- and apparently the husband, who's the ruler of the house. This itself is a big disadvantage for the entire family especially when the so-called ruler of the house turns out to be a sexist and a big-time egocentric narcissistic human being. It can lead to many misunderstandings between the husband and wife, and can be a major cause of disharmony around the entire household, sending down its ripples to the very last of the offspring they've got. The children in such scenarios, are victims of fear and uncertainty, and often tend to get confused as to whom they should support in midst of all the chaos. Speak against your father and you get busted; against your mum and you'd still get busted; for both of them and the matter still doesn't get any better... The question, which, then, arises is, "whom do I goddamn support? What do I do??"
Well, it's a pity parents don't realise the pain they inflict upon their children, but, all they look for is: which child would support him/her. Oh, come on! Give me a break! Do you PARENTS really expect those little kids of yours to be all decisive about whom they love most among you both?
Honestly speaking, the answer is: kids love both their parents equally. They do tend to love one parent more but they'd never want to admit that fact before both of them - for, if they did -- one of them is bound to get hurt. Bearing this thought in their heads, they'd never admit it before their parents. It's a minority that does, but, the majority doesn't. So please! For God's sake parents! don't pressurise their brains like that when they're at such a tender age!! An age when they should be having fun and should be enjoying their childhood. Should be leading a worry-free life. They shouldn't even be exposed to such domestic-war-scenarios at all. It has adverse effects on their mental health and development.
Now, what I seriously don't get is: why in the hell do parents bear children if this is what they had to do with them? Was it just lust? Or was it just an immature move of their juvenile love? without realising the responsibilities this package comes with?
I'm just going to elaborate each of the aforementioned points, now. Starting off with: lust.. so.. are those little angels just by-products of your goddamn lust? If so, it's outright disgusting. Come on? WHAT THE F***?!?! Forgive me for my language but, SERIOUSLY? And, now those little angels are a burden for you parents? Fulfilling their responsibilities is a goddamn pain, now?
Oh wait.. I beg to digress here, but, in most such cases, it's usually the father who'd manifest such traits. All in all, mothers tend to be the better parent amongst the two.Well, our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) (S.A.W.W) wasn't wrong when he gave more preference to the mother over the father.
So, here's a quick message to all the new couples out there: please, please have mercy on your children and lead a peaceful life. To all the fathers: please be responsible towards your kids, especially, after you've divorced your wife. The kids aren't at fault. Please, please be considerate about them. Be wise and mature! slumping and wallowing in your goddamn bubbles of depression will take you nowhere. Just bear them in mind; make them the pivotal reason of your lives, and do your best to make their lives beautiful and wonderful for they have already lost a parent, and, that too, a mother.
I, personally, know of a lot of fathers who proudly proclaim that they've played the role of a mother and a father, but, the fact, in most cases, tends to be that they are usually the ones who have failed in playing such a role. The children are never allowed to speak for themselves by such fathers. Such children are usually the victims of *father-pressure*. What I mean by *father-pressure* is that kids under the influence of such fathers are forced to speak according to the wishes of their fathers, for, if they don't, they'd get mentally tortured and what not! Speak to them alone and you'd get the true picture!

To all such couples: ARE YOU GUYS FOR REAL?!?! I know love is blind, but, don't be so blind in love so as to forget what this *package of love* comes with. It's about time kids' miseries came to an end due to the ignorant acts of such parents. Marriage isn't a game guys. It's something which comes with loads of responsibilities. A failing marriage - or for that matter a failed one -- is something which effects the kids more than it does the couple. So, I'd like to beg once again to all you newly married couples, and also couples who're planning to get married: please think twice before you do so. Think about EVERYTHING -- that is: every aspect of it, before you proceed. Don't go ahead with it if you even have an inkling of a doubt that the marriage won't be successful, or if you feel you won't be able to fulfill all your responsibilities, once you get married. Remember that kids of today are tomorrow's future. Developing kids who are good, normal, and are socially responsible human beings is the responsibility of each and every parent out there.
I know going through parenthood is itself a lesson, but I believe if you take the right steps with the right goals in mind, along with understanding and harmony (between the couple) -- I don't think anything would possibly go wrong. Life itself is a lesson. We learn as we progress. But God has given us all a brain to aid us with our decision-making and thinking capabilities. Last but not the least: please be prudent and wise.
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